I am a huge believer in the rewards system. What can I say, I like being rewarded, haha! But who doesn’t? I think one of the hardest things about doing something that you should for yourself, like studying for an exam or eating healthy, is that it is hard to stay motivated and a lot of times, we don’t reward ourselves for the hard work we put in. Yes, you might get a great exam score or feel healthy and those are the biggest reward, but if you are really working hard, it is important to reward yourself along the way too. Especially if you are struggling to stay motivated. So, with that little blurb being said, I have noticed myself sometimes having a hard time staying focused to lost weight so I created a little list of rewards for throughout my journey and once I reach my fitness goals…. who knows, maybe by the time I reach my goals my ideas for rewards will have changed, but for now, I hope this list gives a little inspiration to others who might be on a fitness journey with me!


Because who doesn’t want to go on a shopping spree for new clothes when you look and feel great?!

2- Spa Day

The most amazing spa in the Salt Lake area is called the Kura Door… for well worth the money and after all of that hard work, a well deserved reward! Photo via: the Kura Door

3- New CUTE Workout Gear

One Word. ANTIGUA. Albion Fit has THE cutest selection of workout gear, so the second I hit my next goal I am hitting up their store and overstocking and as much antigua print as my closet can carry. Photo via the adorable Turquoise and Teale (click photo for link)

#4 Paddle Boarding In Hawaii (or just any vacation!)

It’s been a lot of years since I’ve been on any kind of board, once I have the balance and body for it I’m taking advantage! Photo via: Endless Adventures Hawaii (click photo for link)

#5 New Swimming Suit… for the paddle boarding of course!

Currently my favorite is this Poppy style bikini in “Peach Soda” and boy, have I got my eye on it! Now if these boobs would just shrink small enough… Photo from Triangl (click photo for link)
