HAPPY FRIDAY, loves! We went to the ice castles a few weeks ago and that is somewhere I’ve never been before, but absolutely recommend. It was seriously SO cool! I’d recommend going up at night though because I’ve heard (and seen photos) from friends that the lights and stuff they have going is really amazing and the ice just glitters. We went up during the day time though and it was still awesome and really cool to see all of the ice in detail. Here are 13 randoms for this post. 🙂

1- Sydney has been the NAUGHTIEST lately! Her shenanigans are so crazy and I feel like I don’t know how to control her, but also they kind of show off how creative she is so maybe I don’t want to control her? LOL. Any other mamas out there with me? She has recently cut her own hair, drawn a mural on my wall, cooked her own meal with ALL THE FOOD in the house in the microwave, sprayed daddy’s iPad in hairspray, and crumbled packing peanuts along every square inch of usable floorspace in the entire household. I swear I only blinked and these things happen, I never take my eyes off of her but the girl is a master!

2- I had toe surgery a few months ago for an ingrown toenail that I had (I know, gross!) but now my toenail has been growing back and I hate that it’s only half way up my toe. It had better come in before flip flop season!!

3- Lemonade is THE best and I’m obsessed with it. I love how tart it is and it’s always been my favorite drink and I’m craving it REEEEEEEEAAAAAAAL bad while I type this.

4- I literally fell down so many times at the ice castles when we went to see them! Like… so many times. The first time I fell I had the baby strapped to me and I just biffed it on the sidewalk and really jacked up my knee. After that it was mostly just my pride that was wounded more and more with every time I fell over. It must have looked hilarious haha.

5- I was dying to try out that gigantic, oversized lush bomb but it was $20!!! I’m not made of money and at this point couldn’t justify it for something that would wash down the drain, but I’m dying to know. Who tried it? What were your thoughts?!! Please let me live vicariously through you!

6- We finally got around to watching the second season of Stranger Things and it did not disappoint! Millie Bobbie Brown is an absolute doll and I think she is so inspirational, especially for how young she is! What an amazing little actress!

7- I really want to buy and raise our own butterflies this spring for the girls, I just think that would be so fun! Has anyone else done that?

8- Java is seriously the sweetest puppy ever, I’m so lucky that we lucked out so much with a puppy. Most puppies are like little hellions and I think she is about as good as they come. She’s come really far along with her training, she has been sleeping through the night (knock on wood), and she is very friendly and loves people. On a side note- if you have a baby and are considering getting a puppy…. think again. I wouldn’t wish that amount of work on anyone and while I don’t regret my decision, I still wish I could have been smarter about it haha.

9- I really want to try out BBG and just downloaded the app! BBG girls club, here I come!

10- I’m STOKED about the number of movies that look awesome this year! Anthony and I both love watching movies and there are so many good ones that I’ve been waiting forevaaaaa to watch! We recently just watched Bladerunner (thank you Redbox!) and I was surprised at how much I liked it! I’m into sci-fi stuff so I thought it was really cool, although I’d recommend watching the original before the new one because I was definitely lost the first half of the movie, LOL. Some other ones I’m super excited for this year are of course the Han Solo movie, Ready Player One, Jurassic World, Deadpool 2, Aquaman, Pacific Rim: Uprising, Wreck It Ralph Breaks the Internet, Venom, and Fantastic Beasts! Really that list was hard to narrow down to just that handful even because there are so many that I think are going to be worth watching! WOO! Bring on the popcorn!

11- I’ve been breaking out like crazy lately and it’s not cool because I’ve also been having issues with my eczema and dry, itchy skin since it’s winter. I’m going to try some new products though so hopefully I’ll have some good news in the future about my skin! Until then, you can find me with a paper bag over my head.

12- I’m really loving the fringe jewelry trend lately. I thought it was a little weird at first but now I’m totally on board. Gimme all the fringe!

13- Sydney has started singing lullabies to Emilia when she is crying or trying to sleep and her go-to is always, You Are My Sunshine, which brings tears to my eyes because that is the song my parents have always sung to me, and they call me, Sunshine. I love that Sydney just chose that song to be THE song she sings.


Here is a fun video of our day at the Ice Castles !

XXOO Sunny