For some reason people often think there is something wrong with buying themselves a gift, but listen carefully when I say…THERE IS NO RULE SAYING YOU CAN’T SPOIL YOURSELF ONCE IN A WHILE! Do you see where I am going with this? I will give you a hint…… Valentine’s Day is coming up.
Despite my love for all things pink, sparkly, girly, and romantic, it has never been a secret that I HATE Valentine’s Day. I don’t really have a good reason, but there is just something about the gushy, cheesy expectations society sets for one to dote on their romantic partner, not to mention completely leaving out every single person out there. Don’t get me wrong, I love celebrating with the man that is my Valentine every year, but something about the entire concept of the day just leaves me rolling my eyes in annoyance. There are many other holidays out there where we have the chance to purchase silly gifts and focus on the ones we love. On a day to celebrate “love,” I think it is time we have a holiday where we focus on loving ourselves.
So often we become victims of life, caught up in the hustle and bustle of busy days, taking care of other people, and being envious of those that seem “perfect” and wondering when we will catch a break. I recently discovered this amazing campaign started by Be Bona•Fide that promotes the idea of loving yourself, imperfections and all! So often, especially with how influential social media is in our world, we view everyone else as having such perfect lives. I know I do. *(I actually believe it played a huge impact worsening my struggle with depression) What we don’t realize is that nobody is perfect, and nobody is living a perfect life. There is real struggle behind every perfect photograph that we hardly ever get to see. The Be Bona•Fide campaign is about coming to terms with the fact that we aren’t perfect and it is ok. It is truly about overcoming the insecurities we have by realizing nobody has a perfect world, and through that knowledge coming to love ourselves.
Because I feel so inspired by Be Bona•Fide, I am going to make a challenge here. I think once in a while it should be OK, and is NECESSARY even, to step back and say, “Wow, I am Awesome!” My challenge for everyone (including myself!) this Valentine’s day and for every Valentine’s day from here on out is to take the day to stop and say, “I may not be perfect, but dang it I am pretty freakin’ AMAZING and I LOVE MYSELF!” Make Valentine’s Day, the day of love, about YOU. Buy yourself a gift even. In fact, I especially encourage buying yourself something. No matter what your budget is, you deserve to splurge and treat yourself. Spoil yourself a little! You deserve it!
Here are a few of my favorite ideas right now for a “Gift to Self”
A “Me” Ring from ModEvil found on Etsy. Aren’t these the CUTEST?!
A Sleepshirt from Victoria’s Secret. I absolutely love their nighties and will never have enough in my collection! Long but still short enough not to tangle around the legs = perfection..
EOS Chapstick. From the Evolution of Smooth. Get ready for pretty much paradise on your lips.
Fresh Blooms. I LOVE fresh flowers!
A new bathing suit. Yes, it is February, but there is no wrong time of year to have a new swimsuit! (Plus if you are like me, it might encourage good behavior to fit into that swimsuit come summer! MOTIVATION!) These are some Nanette Lepore ones I am loving!
A new book. The next book on my “to-read” list is #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso, the CEO and founder of Nasty Gal fashion!
Mermaid Perfume. Because we are all mermaid’s at heart and I am a firm believer in letting out your inner mermaid.
A delectable treat, and as it is Valentine’s after all, nothing is more loving for yourself than to treat yourself to some of the amazing goodies from Shari’s Berries! Trust me, you will be addicted!
Hopefully some of these ideas get your minds thinking on how you can show yourself a little love this Valentine’s Day and for those interested in checking out Be Bona•Fide or participate in their incredible movement then click here!