To say that I have a gross, twisted infatuation with sharks is a sorry understatement. They are utterly frightening and terrifyingly powerful. There are very few things I am truly afraid of and sharks is one of them. But somehow with all of their intimidation factor, I have a sick obsession with them. Am I crazy? Probably. But upon talking to my friend Kellie I discovered I am not the only one! So at least I have ONE crazy person that can share my love/hate, fear/infatuation, dread/obsession with, right?? There are more of you out there, I know it!
Well this week happens to be a very special week. The week that Discovery Channel devotes completely to Sunny and her bizarre shark relationship.
SHARK WEEK! They post tons of shark information online and blow their channel up with loads of shark based documentaries, legends, footage, and films. I pretty much live entirely in my sweats and sit with my face three inches from the television for a week straight. (More info on Discovery Channel and Shark Week, click here.) Discovery Channel must love me because they do this every year. Yes. They love me. And I love Shark Week (even if I have probably seen all of the programs before!) So, in honor of Shark Week I have decided to post some of my favorite Shark-y type things that I have come across and hope you all can enjoy Shark Week as much as I do!

First item on the list?? This AWESOME shark mug! Who DOESN’T want to start their morning feeling fierce as a shark?

Hands down, the Etsy shop that sells this fantastic shark tortoise cozy is the COOLEST EVER! I just recently discovered them, and having had a pet tortoise for a while I have become fond of all things turtle-y. Now a little outfit cozy that marries turtles with my love of sharks? MUST HAVE! Seriously check out this shop though- I had no idea my animals would need a cozy to wear, but how could they not when they are as awesome as these?! Shop: Mossy Tortoise

There are NO words to describe Sharknado. Yes, it is EXACTLY how it sounds. Completely over the top ridiculousness…just my style. The cover states it all- Sharknado. Enough Said.

Say hello to my favorite household item! BEST INVENTION EVER! Having a one year old means a LOT of messes and crumbs on the floor, several times per hour. I can’t forget how devoted I am to this little machine on shark week when it saves my back on a daily basis from lugging around our ridiculously giant vacuum!

This Shark-a-licous treasure is actually a Pinterest find (really, where else do you see stuff like this?) The website this image comes from (according to pinterest) links to an article with 55 Shark Nail Designs!! Oh yes. I guess my box of nail polish will be joining me on the floor in front of the tv this week.
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This is possibly one of my most favorite suits ever! Now if only I didn’t have that fluffy baby tummy so I could have this in my closet!! I first discovered this through but after doing some research found that the suit comes from a cool shop called Bad Aby Designs.

Bethany Hamilton. Not actually a shark item, but an incredible shark attack survivor! Talk about awesome! This woman is a serious hero. She has become a legendary surfer and inspiration for many after losing her arm in a shark attack. Nothing is cooler than that!

Not quite as intimidating with people teeth, are they?! One of my most favorite pinterest finds, and sadly I have no idea where the original came from because when I click the link it doesn’t bring anything up. 🙁 So Pinterest gets the credit for bringing this humor to my life.

FINALLY! A pair of panties that reflects EXACTLY what the monthly visit from Aunt Flo is like! These are found are a fun little Etsy find specializing in “Period Panties” from Cool Aunt Flo. Their shop will bring a smile to your face 🙂

I ran across Charming Shark Surf Jewelry a few months ago and I love their custom work! Accessories for watching Shark Week and wearing out on a day to day basis, they have some sweet stuff!
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And last, but not least, how cute are these shark booties?? Another great Etsy find 🙂 I almost want to have another baby solely for the purpose of placing these on its little feet. From the shop: stacie71
Hope you all have a fantastic Shark Week!