There is no question, babies need a lot of gear, and there are also a lot of things that babies don’t necessarily need but it sure does make mom-life more convenient or fun to have. At most baby showers there is a plethora of gifts that are mostly clothes, but you want to break the norm! Congratulations on being that person, we need more of you in the world 😉 Clothes are great of course, but the majority of people give clothes as gifts and sometimes it is nice to get something a little outside of the box. Here is a list of 21 of my favorite gifting items for babies and new moms.

1- Poo-pourri
Not only does this gift guarantee some chuckles, this stuff is pure MAGIC. I’m telling you those babies can get STINKY, especially as new foods start being introduced to the diet, so a little spritz of this in the diaper pale, on the diaper before it gets thrown out, or just in the room after a change is amazing. Made by Poo-Pourri and found on Amazon here.
2- Epsom Salts or Healing Bath Products
Unfortunately, having a baby is rough on the body. Whether delivered via c-section or vaginally, there is a lot of healing to undergo. Soothing products that can be tossed in the bath like epsom salts are great for helping to nurture the damaged areas through the healing process. This was one of the most practical gifts I got and I loved it, in fact I loved it so much that I even recommend that moms invest in this themselves in this post about things to do after baby comes. They are that special. And special = good gift.
3- Meal Credits
Any kind of food after having a baby is the BEST thing ever. If you’re a really devoted person, I guess you could make up a bunch of freezer meals for the mom-to-be, but if you’re just a regular, normal person, then meal credits and delivery service meals are the answer! This may be a little bit specific to the area you live, but you can check for restaurants that deliver and set up a date/time for them to deliver a meal, you can use an app like Gyft to transfer a giftcard to a favorite restaurant that mom could call and have delivered, or you can set up a Meal Baby calendar and have friends family sign up to bring meals on different days.

4- Teething Jewelry
I didn’t discover this until my baby was already over the teething stage, but man I wish I had! I didn’t wear ANY jewelry because she was constantly grabbing at it and biting at it, but with teething jewelry it is actually beneficial for them to chew on, not to mention you get to feel like you’re pretty and dressed up without having to worry about the impracticalities of jewelry with a baby. I’m completely obsessed with Mama & Little jewelry, they are SO cute and I can guarantee this will be one of Mom’s favorite gifts!
5- Planner or Day Schedule
Transitioning into motherhood (whether this is your 1st or 5th time!) is always a bit of a challenge when it comes to figuring out your schedule. Having a planner to keep things organized like appointments, feeding schedules, or even just to tell what day of the week it is (those early newborn days all feel like a blur, I was constantly like, “what day is it?” ha!) can be really helpful. I absolutely love my Day Designer and highly recommend it to every person I meet. Seriously. Get one. Or Ten. For every mom you know and maybe one for yourself. Thank me later.
6-Hand Soap and Sanitizer
This is something I didn’t think about before I had a baby, but the day I brought her home from the hospital I had an all out meltdown (darn those post-pregnancy hormones!) because I wanted soap and/or sanitizer in every room of the house. Especially having a fall/winter baby, I was ultra paranoid about germs. Whether you agree with me or not about washing hands before holding a newborn, a nice new soap (queue Bath&Body Works) is always fun.

7- Diapers
There is not a single mom I can think of who would be ungrateful for diapers. My favorite gifts were those that were diapers. Plus there are some really fun ways to dress them up if you want to get creative, check out my Oh, Baby! Pinterest Board for inspiration on ways to make fun diaper cakes, tricycles, and other displays perfect for a gift. Or, if you’re lazy like me, just slap a pretty bow on the box and go!

8- Mermaid Doll from Bitsy Mermaid
You didn’t honestly think I wouldn’t mention mermaids, right? I mean, with these amazing dolls, how could I NOT?? I know I have a bit of a mermaid obsession, but no matter what your mermaid obsession ranking is on a scale of 0 to 10, these dolls make a great little gift, and yes, you can even make a custom doll or little merman, too! Soft toys are perfect for new babies and these mermaid dolls are my favorite (obviously.)
9- Quick Zip Sheets
I discovered these after reading this review on Pregnant Chicken and you guys, this product is genius. Save moms the trouble of changing and washing sheets in the middle of the night and get a set of these sheets. It’s a brilliant 2 piece sheet system that allows the top layer to be zipped off for convenience. Two words. MUST. HAVE. You can find QuickZip sheets on Amazon, BuyBuy Baby, and Bed, Bath & Beyond.
10- Dry Shampoo and Other Grooming Products
It’s always a toss up after a woman has a baby between wanting to make herself look nice so she feels better or wanting to never shower again and stay in the same pajamas #alldayeveryday for the rest of her life. In my mind, there’s only one solution to satisfy both needs… and that would be products that make it easy to feel “put together” without too much effort. Like Dry Shampoo. Lots of Dry Shampoo. I still live on dry shampoo. Other products that are great for feeling pretty with minimal effort that would make great gifts would be deodorant, nail polish, or perfume.

11- Bath Toys
Bath toys are an absolute staple in our house- raise your hand if you’re with me moms! There are so many innovative, fun toys out there (so what if I maybe I get as excited for new bath toys as my child) so you have tons of options. It would even be fun to pair a toy with a cute towel, washcloths, or even a bathrobe. Some of my favorite toys can be found on this list by Mom Junction.
12- Books
My daughter’s first word was, “book,” so that might demonstratejust how much we love books in our house. They are a great activity to promote bonding, learning, and creativity. In fact, I love books so much that I even wrote a new post about my favorite books just for babies and young children, which you can find here!
13- Boogie Wipes
Budget friendly and they smell great, what could be better than that? Babies have spit up and runny noses and all sorts of other goo that manages to get on their face. While I’m a big promoter of just using a baby wipe or a burp rag, boogie wipes have have a soothing feel and smell great and can be especially good for a runny nose during cold season.
14- Newborn or Family Photo Session for After Baby Arrives
To me, documenting the adventure of life is one of the greatest things about living, and those precious newborn baby moments only last a very, very short time. While parents can certainly take their own newborn photos, it is nice to have a professional to take newborns or family photos after the birth of that sweet little babe. If you are a photographer you can offer your services, or you can look at local photographers or studios in your area and purchase a voucher for a session. And if any of you are located in the greater Salt Lake City area, I have the answer to your prayers right here.. her name is Alicia Bass and she is the owner of Alicia Arlene Photography. You NEED her for newborn photos, she is phenomenal. Check out her site here.
15- One Line A Day Book
It is amazing how easy it is to forget things as the baby grows from newborn to toddler to child. The One Line A Day book is a journal that has a space for a short statement to be written for every single day for the first five years of a child’s life. There are several colors to choose from. You can find these at local Barnes and Nobel stores or purchase online (link to the one pictured on Amazon here)

16- Photography Props for Newborn Photos and/or Monthly Growth Photos
Who hasn’t seen the newest baby photo trend of snapping a photo each month of the baby’s first year? And I am RIGHT on that bandwagon, because as I mentioned before, I’m a big fan of documenting life! Buying some monthly stickers or a cute prop for mom to use is an excellent gift. You could also buy photo props for a newborn photo session, like headbands, wraps, hats, or blankets. Oh hey, have you noticed I sell some of those on Etsy? Check out my shop for more details 😉
17- A Growth Chart
What more of a fun way to document growth than an actual growth chart?? this is such a unique gift to get that will be cherished for years as that precious newborn grows through their childhood.
18- Printables or Decor for the Nursery
If you are crafty, this is the PERFECT gift idea for you, and if you aren’t then queue Etsy (just search nursery decor)! Nursery decorations are often something that mom’s ono a budget won’t buy for themselves, but is so fun to have, not to mention that if you make it yourself it adds a personal touch to your gift. SCORE. Everything from wooden letter blocks to spell a name, a unique mobile for the crib, or an artsy printable that can be framed and hung on the wall, the possibilities are endless.

19- Baby Wrap
One of the most amazing things about being a mama?? BABY WEARING. Not only are their great physical health benefits for baby with baby wearing, but the relationship and bonding benefits are endless, not to mention the convenience it gives mom to be able to hold baby close and still use two hands to do everyday tasks. There are a lot of wraps, but my favorite are Solly Baby wraps because they are extra long, the fabric is durable and soft, and it is washable, not o mention it can hold baby for up over the first year. You can even get a cute little set complete with a wrap and baby wearing book.

20-Personalized Baby Gear
Why is everything that has baby’s name printed on it automatically the cutest thing ever seen? I can’t even stand the cuteness. A few months ago I ran into Jennifer Ann Style, and I won’t lie, the next time I get pregnant it will be solely for the purpose of ordering her products (jokes, but really). She has the CUTEST little blankets, hats, and gear that you can personalize with baby’s name, and basically I’m in love. If you know the baby’s name, this is a great personalized gift, and if you don’t know the baby’s name yet you can purchase a gift certificate.
21- Bumbo
I’ve heard some moms say this was unnecessary. I completely disagree. The bumbo helps promote back and neck strength, plus I loved that I could put her in there and know she was in a safe place while I ran to the bathroom or something. It is prime for reading time and we used ours daily for her to sit in while we fed her until she was big enough for the high chair. They come in a bunch of colors and if you want, you can even buy a little tray that you can set toys and snacks on for baby. You can find them at any baby gear store, most of your local stores like Target or Walmart, and online.
22- Lotion for Itching or Dryness
Maybe it was just me, but I was SO unbelievably, unbearably itchy for the first couple of weeks after having a baby. This saved my skin, plus I’m a lotion junkee so of course I think this is a great gift. Especially if you live in a dry climate, mom’s will love getting something to care for their own body.

23- Breastfeeding Survival Kit
I won’t lie here, this is an idea I saw on Pinterest about a year after I had my baby and I fell in love with the idea. Breastfeeding is HARD work, especially in the first few weeks. The great thing I love about this gift is that it is versatile for a variety of price ranges. You could do something as elaborate as a breast pump to as simple as a tube of Lanolin cream or breast shields. If you know mama is going to try breastfeeding, this is a great gift. Some ideas to consider are lanolin cream, nursing bras (if you happen to be that close!), a nursing cover, bottles of water or snack bars (to stay hydrated and energized!), natural milk supplements to help milk come in, soothing ice packs and heating pads, nursing pillows, or a cute packet of information about breastfeeding/resources/positions/etc. (I really want to create an awesome breastfeeding resource kit, so as soon as I do I’ll post that link here!) For more ideas for a box like the one pictured, check out this post from Mama Say What.
Note: For the moms-to-be reading this… keep in mind that you deserve to buy a gift for yourself, too! Please take the liberty of purchasing 1 (or all 23) ideas listed for yourself! And if you aren’t quite ready to make purchases yet (ahem, thinking of getting pregnant or newly pregnant anyone?) then pin this post for later and be sure to check out this list of 27 things to do when you find out you’re pregnant!
July 4, 2019 at 12:05 am (6 years ago)Thanks for sharing such a wonderful post,, these are some really cool ideas , thanks for sharing…I am hosting a baby shower on next Saturday for my sister in law and i’m very confused on what to give her as a gift thanks for helping me.., you saved so much of my time. 🙂
July 5, 2019 at 3:12 pm (6 years ago)I’m so, so glad I was able to help! I hope you have a wonderful baby shower and that things go really well, you’re an amazing person! Good luck gift shopping!