What a more fitting way to celebrate upcoming President’s Day than to live by the words which our founds have spoken. This quote has always been one of my favorite, and especially in my journey to overcome postpartum depression this is something that I have constantly had to remind myself over and over. I want to believe that I’m the type of person to see the positive side of everything, but I know that by nature I am more of a worrier and a lot of times that worry draws light on the negative stuff and overshadows the amazing things about life which is something I have consistently had to work on. I’ve definitely gotten better at seeing the beauty of the roses instead of the thorns, but I still need a reminder once in a while. I think we all do, sometimes, right? 🙂 Anyways.. I just wanted to celebrate the holiday by sharing this simple and sweet quote and I hope you all remember to rejoice that thorns have roses.
XO Sunny