13 randoms

Ice Castles + 13 Randoms

HAPPY FRIDAY, loves! We went to the ice castles a few weeks ago and that is somewhere I’ve never been before, but absolutely recommend. It was seriously SO cool! I’d recommend going up at night though because I’ve heard (and seen photos) from friends that the lights and stuff they have going is really amazing […]

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Christmas Recap + 13 Randoms

I hope everyone had the happiest, most wonderful, merry Christmas and holiday season! I ate my weight in cheese fondue and I’m pretty sure Sydney got four times her weight’s worth of hatchimals toys. Have you guys seen those? I don’t know what it is with the “blind bag” style of toy right now but […]

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13 Randoms: A New Series

So you know when you see an idea and it just hits you like a bag of bricks and you think… YES! Pretty much this sums up my life. As much as I pride myself on creativity (well…I think I’m creative. Ha!) I am way too excited about copying really cool ideas. Literally, Pinterest exists […]

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