Who is joining me on the journey to self-love this year with the #loveevolvesher campaign? Valentine’s Day is all about celebrating love, and honestly it’s not my favorite holiday but this year I’m excited because I’m going to celebrate Valentine’s Day a little differently. Valentine’s Day is about love, and this year we’re focusing on loving ourselves! So I’ll be celebrating self-love this year instead of the typical mushy hearts and candy stuff. What does that mean?? AN EXCUSE TO BUY YOURSELF PRESENTS!

As if you really NEED an excuse…you can buy yourself a present anytime you want because you freakin’ deserve it!

However you choose to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year, try to celebrate YOU a little bit. Pamper yourself, buy yourself a gift, think about how awesome you really are because you really do deserve it. You are beautiful, smart, talented, and strong! Celebrate that! And splurge a little 🙂 Here are a few things that I have been obsessing over lately that would make an awesome gift for yourself this Valentine’s Day (or any other day!) 🙂


Subscription to Something Fun!

I’m definitely into the subscription box thing right now, and what better gift than buying yourself a subscription to one full of your favorite goodies?! Need some ideas? Here is a list of subscriptions I’d love to try out!

-Loot Crate: Wizarding World of Harry Potter (for the Harry Potter geek everywhere) Find it here.

-Stitch Fix (cute clothes you can try and choose to keep or send back!) Find it here.

-Ellie (work out gear!) Find it here.

-Fab Fit Fun (an all around great box with a variety of things geared toward fashion, fitness, health, beauty, and wellness) Find it here.

-The Planner Addict Box (a grirlboss’ DREAM) Find it here.

-LOOT for Her (a variation of loot crate with nerd gear specifically for women) Find it here.

23 and Me DNA Testing

I have absolutely been DYING to do this! This year, they are promoting the Year of You to encourage learning more about who you are. What falls more in line with learning to love yourself and the #loveevolvesher project than THAT?


My current obsession is with the Apocalypse Bath Bomb from Cosset Bath and Body.

SPA Day, or Your Favorite Spa Treatment

Pedicures, Massages, Manicures, and Facials are top of my list. Always. You just can’t go wrong with a little self primping!

Maskcara Makeup

Maskcara is something that I have recently discovered and I am in love with it. I recently did a full review on it (read the post here) if you want more details on that, but for reals you just need to trust me on this. you need this BEAUTIFUL makeup, it’s like dessert for your skin and I swear you’ll look like a Victoria’s Secret Angel with it on. It’s stunning. #thisisnotanad #itsjustawesome

A New Outfit

This might be a lame suggestion to some people, but I’m that person that still has clothes from high school and only buys new things when the old ones are beyond worn out. I’m a big believer in dressing nice because it makes you feel better, but I’m really terrible at doing this for myself so forcing myself to splurge on a new outfit or two would really be good. If you sound like me, then this option is for you, ha! 🙂

Enroll in Classes to Learn Something You Really Want To Do!

There are really two options with this. You could take a pottery class, or get scuba certified, or maybe you’re like me and can burn boiling water so a cooking class sounds great.


You could sign up for something like Skillshare, where there are tons of classes on all sorts of topics with things you can learn- everything from calligraphy to photography,business to technology and code writing. There are a lot of platforms out there that offer classes like this, but I’ve personally used skill share and it’s really affordable and so easy, and they have so many options!

A Luxury Item You’ve Been Wanting

Maybe it’s a new purse? Or that overpriced swimsuit? A new comforter for your bed? Whatever it is that you’ve been really thinking about lately but haven’t been able to justify buying for yourself. BOOM. Self-love this Valentine’s Day. JUSTIFIED.

Share what ideas you guys have for gifts for yourself! I’d love to do another post like this with even more ideas in the future!

XXOO Sunny