2 Easy Ways to Style the Same Shirt

Creativity in the closet doesn’t come natural to me because I pretty much have only worn black on black on black for YEARS. But I’m in closet therapy and trying to branch out. How freaking CUTE is this Sweet Sassy Molassy shirt?? I’m totally obsessed, talk about the perfect piece for summer and my fourth […]

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Secrets for Successful Sunless Tanning

Fake tans and sunless tanners have been part of my life since I was 15 years old. I’m naturally very pale, and I just love how I feel with a good tan! Seriously, it’s an instant booster to make me feel more confident and beautiful. Here’s the thing about fake tans and sunless tanning products […]

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Easy Black and White Clown Makeup

I created this really simple, easy black and white clown makeup the other day just for fun! For my birthday every year, I choose a new word to try and live by for the whole following year. This year, I really want to Marie Kondo my year and do more things that spark joy, simply […]

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