I hope everyone had the happiest, most wonderful, merry Christmas and holiday season! I ate my weight in cheese fondue and I’m pretty sure Sydney got four times her weight’s worth of hatchimals toys. Have you guys seen those? I don’t know what it is with the “blind bag” style of toy right now but Sydney is completely obsessed with those. Santa even brought her one of the big eggs which to me seems like it’s really just a glorified furby… where my 90s kids at that remember those things??

I’m also really excited because I’ve been wanting one of the Fuji instax mini cameras FOREEEEEVVVVVEEEERRRRR and I’m completely obsessed. Tony always knows exactly what to get me and I’m obsessed (how many times can I use the word obsessed in a post?) with the mint color, I love it so much! Anyways… I wanted to do another 13 Randoms post today (see previous post here) and share some thoughts/things I’ve had going lately. 🙂

1- We just got EJ’s ears pierced and she looks like a freaking DOLL. I don’t know what is so cute about baby girls with their sweet little earrings!

2- I got a new perfume for Christmas, it’s the CHANEL Gabrielle perfume and it is a dream. Recently I read something about having a signature scent and I think I just found my new one for a while!

3- During one of my 2am sessions with Emilia, in my tired stupor I downloaded a fashion game that I found on Pinterest and now my life revolves around it, I can’t even talk about how much I love it because I love it so much haha. It’s super unusual for me because I am not a gamer and I’m not really into playing games on my phone or on an app either, but this game… guys. If you like fashion at all, GET IT. It’s called Covet. It’s free, but be warned, you blow through the free stuff fast and it will be tempting to spend money if you don’t pace yourself.

4- Sydney told me the other day that she was going to throw me under the bus and drive it. Yep. #winning as a parent.

5- I adore my little car, but it’s been on the fritz this year and requires me to start it twice every time. I’m really lucky it’s still running and that it’s been in such good condition but I am getting really bummed about the starter situation. I’ve replaced the batter, the starter, all of the plugs, and I have no idea what it could be. Advice welcome, haha.

6- Some of our favorite holiday traditions include seeing the Christmas lights in the park and watching A Christmas Story and we didn’t get to do either one this year sadly. I guess there is always next year, right?

7- I’m very excited for the new year. 2017 has been wonderful and the last half of the year since I’ve had Emilia has been some of the happiest months of my life, so I can’t wait to see what 2018 has in store! I have an interesting idea for a resolution that I’m itching to try out!

8- Sydney had a dance recital and I pretty much died and came back to life like 4 times while watching, it was tooooo cute. She danced to Frosty the Snowman.

9- I have been working on a bucket list for a long time and I want to actually start crossing off some of the things on my bucket list! What are some of the things on your guys’ bucket list? I’m still looking for ideas to add clearly haha. Even though it’s ridiculously long. Would you guys be interested in a post on that?? Anyways… rambling, but send me your ideas!

10- I recently discovered the stuffed chicken tortillas at the Cheesecake Factory. Up until now my favorite has been the fried Mac n cheese, but these stuffed chicken tortillas or absolutely delightful and I want to learn to make them at home, which is saying something because I hate cooking and actually want to learn more still? What? Who am I? 😉

11- I secretly like watching Sydney open up her hatchimals because I have more of an interest in the little animal inside that she gets than I should. I guess I do understand the blind bag obsession after all.

12- There is still time to get a candy cane shake at chick-fil-a. Don’t miss out.

13- My house is a disaster right now just after Christmas, but I actually got all of my decorations down and put away and it’s only one day after the holiday! I’m totally the person that leaves it up for 3+ weeks because I dread having to take it all down and I’m lazy, so I already feel like I’m getting a good start to my 2018 and I still have a few days left of 2017 to kill. Woo!

Happy almost New Years everyone!