onyx and blush Emilia Jane

onyx and blush emilia Jane 1

onyx and blush emilia Jane 2

onyx and blush Emilia Jane 3

Big Stretch!!!
Big Stretch!!!


Hello Everyone! It’s been a while since I last posted because things have gotten a little busy in our house with our new addition, and I’m excited to be able to introduce her now! Meet our new little miss, Emilia Jane. She was born on May 25 and weighed in at 7 lbs. 2 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. Exactly one pound smaller and one inch shorter than her big sister Sydney was, but man does that make a difference! I feel like she is SO tiny compared to what Sydney was!

She has been the sweetest baby and absolutely loves to be hugged and cuddled, and when she’s not being hugged or cuddled man will she let you know it and cry until she is, haha. I don’t mind though, because all I want to do all day is sit and hug and cuddle her anyway. We’re just in pure baby bliss over here, but I’m excited to say that since I’ve had a little bit of down time I’ve worked on some new blog posts that I’m excited to share over the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned!

Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive and loving and all of the sweet things people have done for us over the last several weeks while we’re adjusting to being a 4 person family. You all are THE best!

