My biggest question starting out this adventure with LipSense was this… What is the DEAL with it? Like… seriously it seems everyone I know and their neighbor have started selling it. LipSense distributors have popped up like freckles after a suntan left and right, and I can’t scroll through any social media feed without being bombarded by the “amazing” nector of the gods for the lips.

Naturally, I had to get in on it and find out what all the hubbub was about and see if it was actually worth it.

I follow a super cute girl on insta named Natalie @laughlovelipswithnat and guys, if you need someone positively adorable to follow, she is it. Go follow her. She reached out and asked if I had tried LipSense, and one thing led to the next and the next thing I know, I’m getting the cutest package in the mail.

Nothing makes me happier than cute mail. Except cute stuff IN the cute mail. 😉

I pulled it out of the envelope and read my instructions and then took a deep breath and never looked back. Ha! Let’s start with my first impressions. Before you even start, you need to make sure you follow the instructions. You need to shake the bottle really well, then make sure you apply three coats (5-10 seconds apart) and only apply moving in one direction. Simple enough, although I admit I don’t like being told what to do. Ever. I’m the boss. 😉 But really it is pretty simple and if that is the magic that makes this stuff work, then it’s worth it. 🙂

When you first put it on, it feels really watery and I was thrown off because I totally expected like a gloss feeling or something. The next thing I noticed is that it is a little weird putting it on because it kind of stings. If you’re not expecting that, then it really throws you off. I had a moment where I thought I might be allergic because it kind of feels like a lip plumper, your lips get all tingly and kind of sting. I actually kind of like the feeling now, like it just feels like my lips are being exfoliated and are clean or something, but it definitely took some getting used to.

The next thing to note is that it is incredibly sticky before you get the gloss on there. If you plan to mix colors at all, you want to be sure not to close your lips until after you have the gloss on them because your lips stick together and it pulls the layers off in chunks. It’s uncomfortably sticky, but you seal it with the gloss as soon as you’re finished with your layers and then it is fine. The gloss is awesome because it kind of has a soothing feeling on top of the tingly lips. Then came all of the tests…. eating, drinking from both a glass and a straw, smudging my makeup with my fingers, rubbing my mouth, kissing the baby, making out with the husband…. and guys, it really IS all it is chalked up to be. It is totally smudge-proof, budge-proof, kiss-proof color. It doesn’t smear around your lips, it doesn’t get on your teeth, it doesn’t come off when you eat, and it doesn’t accidentally get on the white shirt that you put on after you did your makeup (I can’t count the number of ruined shirts I have!)

Overall, I really went into this thinking I wasn’t going to think it was all that great, and then came out of it really impressed, I really like it and have since gotten several more colors and have been wearing it almost exclusively. I can preach about it all day long, but my actions speak the loudest and as a girl who wears lipstick almost every day, to go almost exclusively to the LipSense one is a HUGE deal for me.

I will say that it is a bit of an upfront cost going into it, which can be kind of the kicker. It’s also a little pricey to get additional colors, at least it is more than what I would normally want to pay for a lip color. However, it IS better than other colors because it really doesn’t move and it lasts all day long. I’ve also had my colors for a few months now and they don’t seem to be running out at all, so they are lasting longer than a normal tube of lipstick would for me at least. Really you have to think of it more like an investment in a product that lasts you longer and that you get more of. Kind of like going to Costco- you might spend a fortune but you get SO much, ha!

So the color I started with is called Fire N Ice, but I’ve also added Mulled Wine, Cranberry, and Praline Rose to my little collection and I’d recommend any of them. You can see what most of them look like on my instagram! 🙂

Overall, I am surprised to say that I really loved it and I would definitely recommend it. My girl Natalie is my exclusive dealer now and she is so sweet and awesome, so if you’re interested I highly recommend working with her and she’ll hook you up! 🙂

Wearing the color Mulled Wine here

XXOO Sunny