The limit does not exist. The limit does not exist!

There is literally no limit to my endless love for Kate Spade EVERYTHING. I just love their brand, all of their products, and the main thing that I love is that of all the designer and upper end type stuff, I feel like Kate Spade is actually affordable to someone like me. I’m typically a Claire’s on clearance kind of gal because I am cheap and picky about what I spend my money on, and the reason I love Kate Spade is because I feel like I’m fashionable and living with some luxury without actually breaking the bank. Haha does that make sense at all? Plus Kate Spade is always THE cutest.

My aunt got me this adorable book for Christmas called, SHE, and it is full of empowering, amazing woman and quotes, and all things that make you feel like you are SLAYING as a woman. It’s so uplifting and encouraging and it could not be more perfect for my Love Evolves Her journey that I’m on. I’m really excited to share some of my favorite stories and quotes from this over the next year on instagram so make sure that you are following me there so you don’t miss them! Or pick up a copy of SHE for yourself, you won’t regret it.

Plus how PRETTY would this book be on your shelf or coffee table? You need it. Trust me. 🙂

Let me make it easy for you- here is a link 🙂 No, this is not a paid link or sponsored or anything, I just know that you need this in your life. 🙂 SHE by Kate Spade

Have a wonderful rest of your week! XXOO Sunny